Just a little guy, having a little fun, with a lot of good friends. Don't take me too seriously. God knows I don't.
Monday, 28 December 2009
I Like Taxes
Sunday, 27 December 2009
The Feast of the Holy Family - December 27th
Luke 2:41-52 (in which the child Jesus is found in the temple)
Some people feel like today’s society has forgotten all about families. We worry that families don’t matter anymore. We long for days gone by, fond in our memory, for a time when the nuclear family was celebrated and protected.
In my youth we watched television shows about family and we wished we could be like them. Some wanted to be the perfect nuclear family like the Cleavers, others the perfect blended family like the Bradys, we wanted father to know best and mom to wear pearls in the kitchen. Today we see families in the media and we thank God that at least we’re not that bad. We’re not the Osbornes, we’re not the balloon boy’s family, I’m not John and she’s not Kate, with or without the eight.
That's when we can turn to the example of the Holy Family.
When our own children do and say the things that cause us confusion and even heartbreak, God knows how we feel. God knows. No matter how we describe our family situation, what has happened or what challenges we face, God knows.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were not perfect people with all the answers. God chose them as part of a divine plan.
"They, too, had to listen to God’s call, and try every day to choose virtuous actions. Whole-hearted effort – not a perfect result – is what it means to be a “Holy Family”. (John Vella)
Saturday, 26 December 2009
The Feast of St. Stephen - First Martyr and a Deacon
Saturday, 19 December 2009
4 Easy Steps to Restaurant Bankruptcy, Server Edition
Monday, 14 December 2009
P.R.A.Y. our way to "Yes"!
Saying “Yes” to God
A Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
Luke 1:39-45
It’s not easy saying “yes” to God. It’s never been easy. God asks a lot of those who pray daily “thy will be done”. He asks more from those who live it. How can we be ready when God asks our obedience, in small or grand ways? How can we get to a life of faithful obedience in God, like Mary? Most of what God asks of us may not seem so dramatic, but it can be every bit as life changing, as challenging and as important to our salvation. Here’s a simple acronym for saintly obedience that I think will help us to get to where we need to be. We use the four letters of the word “pray”. P.R.A.Y.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Road Test - 2010 Mazda 3
I arrived in Ottawa in a blinding snowstorm and was offered a rear-wheel drive Dodge Charger (cool car, heavy on gas, last time I rented one was in the dead heat of summer), a Honda Civic (pretty nice little car) or a Mazda 3. I've never driven a Mazda before and I didn't feel like the inevitable snowstuck / sidespin driving style of the Charger, not that the old "motorboat method" of driving wouldn't have come back to me. But since I was already booked into a Holiday Inn that hadn't been renovated since the 70's, one trip in the Wayback Machine was all I needed on this visit to Ottawa.
So I chose the Mazda. Here's my review:
- Gas mileage
- Gas filler access on the right - a safety feature so you don't get clipped by passing traffic when you fill from a gascan if you run out of gas on the side of the highway
- It's a tank in the snow (I parked in unplowed spots and didn't have to worry about getting out)
- Manual shift feature on automatic transmission (great in blizzard and snow)
- It's peppy
- I like the "hello" feature on the readout when you turn on the ignition
- Well laid out dashboard, cupholders, radio controls
- Split folding rear seats
- Locking fuel filler door
- Info on dash like outside temp, date, time
- Trunk room
- Interior room
Growth? (room for improvement)
- There was no light in the trunk
- Turn signal stalk was a bit touchy and I tended to turn on high beams when reaching to signal
- Would have like remote entry and corresponding security / alarm (probably available on upgrade)
Overall - a pretty cool little car. I'd buy one if a cool little foreign car was what I was in the market for.
Monday, 7 December 2009
The Cowardly Manager’s Guide to Dealing with Poor Performers
Here's a great blog about leadership:
The Cowardly Manager’s Guide to Dealing with Poor Performers
Monday, 30 November 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Christ the King - The Original Inconvenient Truth
Christ the King – an Inconvenient Truth or Liberation? November 22, 2009
John 18:33b-37
We are invited to listen in on a conversation in today’s Gospel. Two men face off, one very powerful and influential by the world’s standards, the other – Christ. There’s a lot riding on the outcome of this encounter, although it’s clear Pilate doesn’t quite know the extent of it.
Picture a time when a society is clearly divided into those who have the power, those who want power, and those who will never have power. This was the situation in the Palestine of Jesus’ time, with Roman occupation men like Pilate had all the power and wealth, and the armies to enforce it.
Occupied Jews who were smart knew enough to stay on the right side of the Romans did fairly well. The Pharisees and the High Priests do OK by keeping things quiet, and they live a pretty good life as they await the coming of the Messiah to give them back their promised land.
Along comes Jesus to rock that boat, and they don’t quite know what to do with him.
He preaches a different kind of love of God – one in which after God, we are commanded to love our neighbour. To put our neighbour ahead of ourselves, because isn’t that, my friends, the definition of love – to put someone else’s needs ahead of your own?
But what does that mean? That all this striving for power and status and material possessions mean nothing at all? Apparently the poor are the blessed ones, the meek are blessed, and the lowly are in fact the first for God’s affection. Christ threatens the fabric of society of his time. He is not exactly the messiah the Jews have been waiting for, not only because he doesn’t arrive in a blaze of glory, but because what if they believe what he preaches they will have to renounce all that they believe to be true.
It’s no different for the Romans. If they believe what Christ says, their world will be very different indeed. If Christ is King, then he is the highest authority in the land, in the world, and that means going against the most powerful government on the face of the earth, with potentially disastrous results.
Christ has become the original inconvenient truth.
Two men face to face and Pilate isn’t keen on recognizing the King in front of him.
How is that different from today’s world? Don’t we tend to hold in high esteem those who have achieved positions of great wealth in our society? Beyond financial wealth, we value talent and good looks and physical fitness. We idolize our rock stars and our sports stars and our
Oh come on. We want to be like them. Bigger houses. Nicer cars.
"You can do it. If you believe it, you can achieve it." We motivate ourselves by reading quotations from famous people. I have personally spent hundreds of dollars in the last 30 years of my business career attending seminars, buying books, motivational calendars – all with the goal of “making it” in the business world. The next promotion, the biggest bonus, recognition, maybe even elected office….
And you know, relatively speaking and in comparison to most of the rest of the world, we’re actually very wealthy. Even the relatively poor among us are doing well in comparison just by the accident of their birth on this side of the equator, or that they live in this country with all its natural resources, temperate climate and access to water, wood and oil…
Sometimes, though, just as the Jews and Pilate were, we are forced to face the truth in our midst. We are forced to see the poor among us. The poor in health, in hospitals and hospices across this country and in our community. The poor in spirit, the lonely, the elderly, the unemployed, the business person who’s just lost everything. The weak and the unsuccessful.
Often just two people face to face, like Jesus and Pilate. You see that scene played out every day across our community.
The street person asks the passerby on her way to the coffee shop if she can spare a few coins. The dying patient alone in the hospital asks the Hospice worker to sit with her a bit longer. A friend’s mother dies and she just needs someone to talk to. Just two people, one in need, the other being asked to give. A little like our scene in the Gospel.
Although it probably didn’t seem like it, and there isn’t a happy ending to the story, there is good news for Pilate in all of this. He has a choice.
The Christ is right in front of him. Jesus Christ has offered Pilate the chance to recognize him as King. Imagine the realization slowly dawning on Pilate that who he has in front of him is no mere rabble rouser, no run of the mill trouble maker for the Jews.
All the way through his ministry Christ has offered the truth and invited people to follow him, to become one with the truth. But, as I have said, it is an inconvenient truth.
Because if you believe, if you really believe, and embrace what Christ is saying, and follow him with all your heart, and proclaim him King – not a King but the King, then you must give up all that you hold valuable in this world in order to gain eternal life in the next. You must show a preferential option for the poor, you must recognize that those who have little or nothing are the blessed, and those who put wealth and power ahead of all else will have a difficult time finding their way to heaven.
It’s not going to be easy for Pilate to acknowledge Christ as King, but at that very moment, what if he had? What if Pilate had fallen to one knee and turned his life over to Jesus Christ. Christ never said it would be easy.
Pilate had an option, the Jews had an option, and the people of
We have an option. Not many of us are in a position with power of the magnitude of Pilate’s, but we are asked to deal with the problem of Christ in our daily lives. It breaks down into two parts.
The first is a question of what we hold dear to our hearts. What is it that motivates us? Is it material possessions, or status, or simply having more than everyone else? Any time we place something ahead of God we are worshiping false gods and false royalty. We know that, still it’s no easier for us to hear than it was for the people of Jesus’ time.
The good news is, the truth is, when Christ is at the centre of our lives in prayer, worship and in practice, those other things don’t quite matter as much, and we’re free to love our family, our closest friends and the strangers in our midst. A weight is lifted off our shoulders. The truth has set us free.
Secondly though, is a question of how we treat the poor, the lowly, and the down on their luck. Christ himself said, and this is what gets him in trouble in the first place, “when I was hungry you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome…” (Matthew 25)
Pilate just wanted Christ to go away.
We gain for ourselves a place in the Kingdom when we find ourselves face to face with the hungry, the thirsty, and society’s cast-offs, the lonely, the sick, the dying… and we face the truth. We forget ourselves for a moment, our ambitions and our possessions and our foolish pursuits and put their needs first as Christ loves us and puts us first even to the point of dying. We acknowledge Christ as King in the loving and prayerful service of others in the name of God.
This Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King, was originally implemented in 1925 by Pope Pius XI who hoped that a day acknowledging Jesus Christ as King of the universe would act as a corrective to some dangerous political ideas of his time, and would help bring about peace and harmony and calm order in his time.
He could have issued a Papal encyclical, but instead established this solemnity, in his words “the annual celebration of sacred mysteries is more effective informing people about Faith and in bringing them the joys of the spiritual life… solemn documents are often read by a few…feasts move and teach all the faithful.”
This is a message of hope.
This man whose sacrifice for us we celebrate at the table of the Eucharist, this Christ; is he our King?
Thursday, 19 November 2009
DMK Burger Bar - see, he get's it!
Chicago Chef Kornick Launching Burger Concept: 7 Reasons It Can Succeed
The sit-down restaurant, DMK Burger Bar, is scheduled to open its first unit in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood at the end of May.
Allison Perlik, Senior Editor -- Restaurants and Institutions, 3/10/2009 7:35:00 AM
Chicago chef Michael Kornick knows burger joints are the industry’s latest cliché. New gourmet chef-driven spots, upstart fast-casual chains and national fast-food giants seem to open doors to new locations daily, yet Kornick—known for acclaimed fine-dining restaurant mk as well as his work with the Las Vegas-based N9NE Group—isn’t fazed. Here’s the rundown on why he thinks DMK Burger Bar is destined for success:
Friday, 16 October 2009
At work we talked today about greening the email process, with some reporting that they are forced to print emails unnecessarily because they don’t have time to organize their Outlook, and consequently fill up their allotted space. Courtesy of my good friends in I.T., here are some easy steps they suggested to avoid needless printing.
Use the tools available in Outlook, starting with “off-line”.
1. Your “Deleted Items” file is taking up space. The Solution? Set up your email to empty the “Deleted Items” folder upon exiting. This way all deleted emails are permanently deleted every time you exit Outlook. Tip: The downside of this is if you use your “Deleted Items” folder as storage instead of the trash bin it’s meant to be, you may lose important emails. Just use your offline for storage instead – read on…
2. You’re so darned popular! You can’t get to the huge amount of emails you receive daily as fast as you’d like to. The Solution? Create a “rule” to move emails or a certain size, or from certain people to an off-line folder and sort your emails from there. You might title it “sort” or something like that.
3. Size matters! You don’t get many emails but somehow you still fill up your allowable space. The Solution? Consider the size of your emails, not the amount of emails in your inbox and sent folder. One decent sized attachment can take up a disproportionate amount of allowable space.
4. Empty your “sent” file! You may empty your deleted file regularly, but you still get the “mailbox over limit” message. Consider this – if you forward an email you have received with an attachment it is now taking up the same amount of space twice – in your inbox and in your sent file. Tip: try sorting your emails by size, then move / delete / deal with the largest emails first. Make a point of regularly checking your “sent” file then file offline or delete sent emails.
5. Who cares who read what? If you’re tracking read or deleted emails you’re filling up your inbox with “read” receipts or “deleted” notices. Do you really need to know that I deleted your heartwarming “fwd: This will make you cry” email two minutes after you sent it to me? Do you really want to know that I deleted it without reading it? Really?
6. You’re not using your off-line. The solution? Start using it. We’re not getting any more space on our Outlook, they’re not growing trees fast enough for the paper we’re printing, and they’ve run out of decent plot lines (if they ever had them) so there isn’t going to be another “Fast and Furious” sequel. These are painful truths. Deal with it.
"It is estimated that 97 billion e-mails whisk through cyberspace every day. And according to GreenPrint Technologies, despite 20th century predictions of a paperless office, North Americans use enough sheets every year to build a 10-foot-high wall that would stretch from New York to Tokyo and beyond..."
Thursday, 24 September 2009
The Southern Kitchen - Atlanta

A few years back...
Then he asked me what kind of food I preferred, and I told him I would eat WHATEVER he put in front of me and love it. So he asked me to narrow it down to three choices, and the third was Fried Chicken. That was the one I didn't want, thinking I'd end up with KFC. So asked him which of the three he would have for dinner if he could.
He told me that if I left Atlanta without trying the Fried Chicken it would be a shame and that he would definitely have the Fried Chicken for dinner if he could. So I ordered it, even though I wouldn't have ever chosen it off the menu and I really didn't want it. But, if you're going to trust your server, then you trust your server all the way. He told me it was going to be the best chicken I would ever taste.
Turns out he was right. It remains to this day the very best experience of a server who knew his menu, appreciated his customers and was proud of his work. It was nothing like what I expected and every time I think about it I just want to jump on a plane, head down to Atlanta and order it again.
And here's the best part. I ate at the Southern Kitchen because a friend recommended it. It had been recommended to her and she loved it. And now I recommend it to you.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Whoever Wants to be First Must be the Servant of All
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Make meeting time more meaningful | Cincinnati.com | The Cincinnati Enquirer
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Ayn Rand rolls over in her grave...
Here’s my reaction. First, let that be a lesson to those among us who would put down a 100% deposit. I say hold back a couple of hundred thousand to make sure you get what you ordered – the colour you wanted, the CD player, that sort of thing.
Secondly, let’s call the criticism what it is: envy. Who are any of us to tell this self-made billionaire how he can legally spend his money. Would we really have the employees of the auto company go jobless while he gives the cash to charities instead? What if our town made high-end sports cars instead of minivans, how would the tune change?
And third, it is front page news. How many people do you know who can spend that kind of cash on a car? Many of us have met this man around town and didn’t even know he was a billionaire. His company, Atlas Tool employs several hundreds of people. He is an entrepreneur who has opened several successful businesses in the area, a philanthropist, he has endured great personal tragedy that would sideline a lesser man and kept his family and businesses together, and by all accounts is a great guy.
And his reaction to all of envious reaction to his misfortune? He hasn’t said a word, but hopefully, Atlas shrugged.
Saturday, 15 August 2009
A Specialty Restaurant in Toronto
The menu is basically a whole bunch of different combinations of stuff you can put on standard poutine, which of course consists of fries, curds and gravy, eh? I had the pulled pork on top of the heaping mound of poutine. I may never eat again. Heck, I may never see my feet again.
Good - fresh cut fries, hot gravy, real curds. Some places try and get away with using mozzarella cheese just because it's white and melts up real stringy. That ain't right - it's supposed to be curds. This place uses them.
Great - Pop Shoppe Pop in the bottle. I had the Cherry Cola. Aaahh, the memories.
Room for Growth - I deliberately don't name the restaurant because I don't want to wrongly accuse, or seem to accuse. Cashier / order taker / cook working alone rang up my order with cash drawer open. When I asked for receipt he had to ring it up again to print the receipt. Typically that may mean that a) that cash was never destined for the cash drawer, or b) the taxman ain't getting his full share because not all sales get recorded, or c) cashier is correcting a previous error by not getting management involved.
No matter how you slice it, this is a danger signal that could mean that this place won't be around much longer if controls aren't in place. The owner probably can't figure out why his sales are down and food cost is up. Glad I came when I did, I may not get another chance.
I can only imagine how good this place is at 2 a.m. after a few brews. I'll let you know after the party tonight.
Saturday, 8 August 2009
The Naked Fish Market

Wednesday, 5 August 2009
The 5 Coolest Things about Windsor, Ontario
Worst Greeting Ever
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Welcome Back City Workers!
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Humanae Vitae
Thursday, 23 July 2009
"The Works" in Ottawa - as I continue my quest for the best burger ever
Lessons from the Windsor Municipal Strike
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Dinner at Kelsey's Restaurant, Kanata
Burgers aren't the main item on the menu at Kelsey's, however since the Peppercorn burger has been recommended to me on several occasions, I thought I'd check it out.
I was almost apologetic when I suggested Kelsey's to my friend as we chose a place for lunch. I don't go often because in the past I have found it unmemorable. Not this time.
Good - actually the burger was good. Kelsey's is advertising their new sirloin burgers and the meat is quite tasty. The presentation is good with shredded lettuce and tomato slices on the side. The bun was fresh and toasted. I'd try a burger again, but probably not the Peppercorn as it was difficult to carry on a conversation as we were constantly reaching for our beverages to counter effect the pepper. I'm looking forward to other items on the menu next time.
Great - the service! I can't say enough about it; it was textbook. Stacey was prompt and attentive and made some great 'upgrade' suggestions throughout the meal - gravy for the fries, a specific appetizer to share, dessert, coffee... We only took her up on the coffee, and she was right, it is good coffee. Stacey was properly relaxed but not overly casual. She presented the bill with a handwritten thank you card asking us to go the Kelsey's website to rate the service. I will for sure. When was the last time you received a handwritten thank you note from your server? WOW. Even if this is just part of a service program, Stacey has embraced it and made it very personal. She used my name when she returned my credit card!
Kelsey's has risen to the challenge of providing the "Cheers"-like experience their commercials promise; no small feat.
Room for Growth - the fries. I wish they'd been piping hot - they were warm, almost at the "send them back" threshold, but not quite. I should probably be having soup or salad anyway, but having the fries at Kelsey's is not a bad choice because they don't heap 'em up, just a moderate and reasonable serving size.
Will I come back? Oh yeah! The food is always good at Kelsey's but the service in the past has been inconsistent. At Kelsey's in Kanata it was fantastic from the front door greeting to the final farewell. You could videotape Stacey's service from start to finish and present it to all restaurant servers as a flawless "how to".
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Lewenza and Mayor Eddie Exchange Pleasantries
Relax Eddie. That was just Kenny-speak for "I'm here to broker a deal in the 7-week strike between CUPE workers and the city, and I take you very seriously."
It's simple. When Ken Lewenza tells you to "f-off", you return the greeting, hug it out, get down to business and go for a beer together after you get it all worked out.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
You're Fired
You know, there’s something to be said for the way Donald Trump does it on the Apprentice every week.
A team messes up and comes in second place. The leader is asked to account for what happened. If the leader can’t make a great case for why their subordinate is to blame in spite of development, direction and delegation, then logically the leader is to blame.
The failure may be due to a lack of development – the subordinate isn’t ready for responsibility. It may be due to lack of direction or relevant supervision or follow up – the subordinate doesn’t know the plan or doesn't know he doesn't know. In the worst case, it may be due to a lack of delegation – the micromanager who just can’t let go. Or too much delegation too soon - the macromanager who needs to get a grip.
In real life and beyond extenuating circumstances you get a second chance and a third chance. However, if a pattern of failure is evident, sooner rather than later somebody needs to hear the words “you’re fired”. The leader, after exhausting all reasonable options, either says it or hears it.
It’s not personal, it’s just business.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Legendary Leadership
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
South St. Burger Co.
Still on the quest for the world's best burger... (as if that's my place to say)
I have eaten at South Street Burger Co. probably 8 times in the last two years as I continue to seek my favourite burger. This one has a lot going for it, which is why I keep coming back. It's really good, but what stops me from declaring it my favourite?
1. If I did, I'd have to take up a new hobby.
2. And, there's room for improvement. But that's just my opinion - you should check it out yourself; you won't be sorry you did.
I really want South St. to be the most amazing burger experience ever. It has a lot going for it, probably because of the drive and business savvy of Jay Gould of New York Fries fame. The burger is fresh and free from all fillers, antibiotics and other stuff. There are no heat lamps. The 1/3 pound burger is served on your choice of toasted white or whole wheat bun. The topping choice is simple, but it is your choice. Everything is made right in front of you, pretty quickly. They have a cool combo set-up - just choose a burger, fries and a beverage and they'll take a buck off the cumulative total and call it a combo.
Good: The burger itself, the toppings, the fresh bun. It's just fine, but not memorable. I wonder if it is deliberate that it's not seasoned in any way I can taste. If so, I think that might be a mistake. The right seasoning could set this experience apart.
Great: The fries of course. You can't have a great burger without great fries, and New York fries come with this burger.
Room for Growth: A little more attitude. The decor is funky and secure with itself, the restaurant is spotless and the flow from cash register to assembly to presentation works just fine. But apart from the classic rock playing softly through overhead speakers, I can't find the "oomph" that makes this experience fun and different. I'm not suggesting they emulate Licks with all that singing and yelling, but they could turn up the tunes and have some interaction with the patrons other than the topping conversation. Don't get me wrong, the staff are friendly and polite, but not outgoing. If they're allowed to smile most of them haven't gotten the memo.
Would I come back? As it stands, South St. is an upscale Harvey's. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't think that was the goal. Yeah, I come back but I haven't recommended it. If South St. Burger Co. took it up several notches in the energy department, I'd bring friends and family with me next time and every time!
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Fake Grass
Friday, 15 May 2009
Milestones Dixon Road Toronto
Milestones is a step up from Kelsey’s, but not a big step. The meal was worth the money I paid, and the atmosphere was upscale roadhouse friendly. The greeting was friendly but not outgoing or conversational. She wasn’t a natural hostess, and a little effort could have taken it past a pleasant acknowledgment of my presence to a welcoming invitation to dinner.
Good – the steak and shrimp special was quite nice. It was cooked a little on the rarer side of medium-rare, but I’m just not that fussy. The shrimp was a bit of a disappointment. Six medium-small shelled shrimp broiled and placed on top of the steak. This would have been a real wow if it were two jumbo shrimp, tail on, grilled. Then again this is upscale roadhouse, not casual fine dining.
Great – friendly service from the bartender, efficient and pleasant. He knew his menu and suggested the special, which really helped him establish himself as knowledgeable committed to a great experience. Not to overstate the potential, but his enthusiastic recommendation of a good special got him the extra sale of a fantastic decaf Cappucino at the end of the meal. The higher the bill, the higher the tip.
Room to Grow? He didn’t know his wines. I asked for a recommendation with my meal and he brought in another server to make a suggestion – which was GREAT! The room to grow is that she didn’t tell me what she had selected, and I had to ask. The bartender could really take it up a notch by knowing his wines, suggesting a good one, telling me what he selected and why, and establishing himself as a trusted expert. Follow up with an invitation to come back next time I’m out by the airport and I’d definitely make a point of it.
Would I come back? Yes, the meal was good on two different visits to Milestones. Service was outstanding in London, average (with the potential for great) on this occasion.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
I Ain't Complainin'

I wanted to tell you about the “Complaint Free World” seminar that some friends and I attended together.
Will Bowen, a Pastor at one of those new-age churches came up with the idea while preparing a sermon. The plan was to get everyone to wear a rubber band on one wrist, and every time they verbally complain switch it to the other wrist. He figures that if one can go 21 days without switching you will have formed a habit of not complaining and be a nicer person because of it.
Actually, it’s quite fun to try and he gave good examples of the difference between complaining and stating the facts. If you tell the waiter your soup is cold, it ain't complaining, it's stating a fact. If you tell your dinner partner but not the waiter, you're complaining.
My only criticism of Will Bowen is that he left the religion out of it. I know he has to in order to speak to so many people and get buy in, but couldn’t he at least attribute his source? Presumably if the idea came to him as he prepared for a sermon, surely it was inspired by scripture. I sure hope so, because if it wasn’t then the whole point of the Sunday sermon was missed.
These are the thoughts I gleaned from his lecture, then.
First, I really am working on not complaining thanks to the method he teaches. Secondly, though, is that when one preaches no matter how brilliant an idea he might have, if independent of God it can’t help but fall short.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
So today I turned 50
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Hawaii Five-O
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